Photo of parade in New Zealand from 1916, with cars from the period and onlookers.

Make History With Citizen Science!

Citizen science can be a time machine, with projects that transport you to the past through fragile photographs, ancient artifacts, and hand-written records. In some cases, these items tell stories, filling in missing pieces of our history. Sometimes they hold secrets that may prove to be vital to our future. Why not make some history … Read more “Make History With Citizen Science!”

Categories: Archeology, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Environment, Nature & Outdoors, Other

Pluto, Planet Nine and Other Backyard Worlds

By: Marc J. Kuchner Eighty-seven years ago, this week, Clyde Tombaugh was poring over a pair of photographic plates, hoping to change the world.  He was staring hard into an arcane device called a blink comparator, which allowed him to rapidly switch from viewing one image to the next. In those days before computers, that was … Read more “Pluto, Planet Nine and Other Backyard Worlds”

Categories: Astronomy & Space, Citizen Science, Guest Contributor, Project Profile