Build a nestbox, help a kestrel.

The American kestrel nesting season is in full swing! Found throughout the Americas, the American kestrel (Falco sparverius) is the smallest of the North American falcons. Unfortunately, its population is in decline particularly along the Pacific Coast and in New England. Much of the decline is due to land clearing which reduces the kestrel’s natural … Read more “Build a nestbox, help a kestrel.”

Categories: Birds

Ten May Citizen Science Projects to Help You Spring Forward

Spring has sprung! Citizen scientists like you can now shed your winter layers and say hello again to the great outdoors. Here are ten projects that can help your appetites for citizen science blossom along with the flowers this season. 1. Hummingbirds @ Home Track, report, and follow the spring hummingbird migration to understand how … Read more “Ten May Citizen Science Projects to Help You Spring Forward”

Categories: Citizen Science