Today is Citizen Science Day (#CitSciDay2019), and our featured event is the Stall Catchers #Megathon, an online game you can play from anywhere (with internet access) to help Cornell scientists better understand how stalled blood flow contributes to Alzheimer’s disease.
We had our “catching hour” on Stall Catchers from 2 PM to 3 PM ET today. But because of technical difficulties, we’re extending the fun. If you didn’t get a chance to play Stall Catchers and contribute to Alzheimer’s research, you have until midnight tomorrow to sign up for Stall Catchers and have your contributions counted to the Megathon total. Especially for the folks who did join us today, we want to give you a chance to make up for time lost during the Megathon catching hour due to technical difficulties. Of course, you can play Stall Catchers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year…but until tomorrow at midnight is your chance to be part of a special global effort in the Megathon, accomplishing a year’s worth of lab work in just one event.
Looking for more ways to engage? Head over to SciStarter’s Citizen Science Day page.