Become a guardian of nature! Learn to rewild with native plants

You might have heard that our world is out of balance. Ecosystems that need native plants and animals to flourish are plagued by human development and invasive species. Many of our local green spaces like yards, parks, and porches are home to mostly introduced, non-native plants that do little to maintain a healthy regional biodiversity. … Read more “Become a guardian of nature! Learn to rewild with native plants”

Categories: Education, Environment, Nature & Outdoors

Soaring North: Monitoring and Protecting Migrating Song and Shore Birds

Shorebirds fly thousands of miles each year along ancient and largely unknown migratory routes called flyways. But their populations are crashing amidst climate change and urban development. Global Big Day, on May 11, is your opportunity to get involved during this momentous global migration and help scientists understand how bird populations are changing. Participate in … Read more “Soaring North: Monitoring and Protecting Migrating Song and Shore Birds”

Categories: Events, Newsletter

Revolutionize health research with All of Us: Online and in-person events this April

Citizen science is a global movement that involves people from all walks of life in real science that matters to them. Each April and beyond, scientists, facilitators, citizen science project leaders, and many others host events and programs to invite more people to discover all the ways they can participate in research that needs their help. … Read more “Revolutionize health research with All of Us: Online and in-person events this April”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Library

Opening Doors and Connecting People Worldwide: Remembering Mar Dixon

It’s a quiet, reflective time for us at SciStarter. This week, our founder, Darlene Cavalier, lost her younger sister, Mar Dixon.  Mar Dixon was a self-described “troublemaker for sectors who need a kick up the bum.” The SciStarter team loved working with her because she selflessly volunteered her time to help us make our outreach … Read more “Opening Doors and Connecting People Worldwide: Remembering Mar Dixon”

Categories: SciStarter News

Citizen Science Month 2023: Preliminary Outcomes

This work was supported by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services under Cooperative Agreement Number U24LM014070 with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System and the University of Iowa, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. Citizen science is a global movement that involves people from all … Read more “Citizen Science Month 2023: Preliminary Outcomes”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Featured Projects, NNLM

Researcher at work in lab that studies Alzheimer's disease.

Verizon Volunteers Sped Up Alzheimer’s Research. Here’s How You Can Help

Note: Portions of this article came from a description of Stall Catchers previously written by SciStarter. Across the United States, 5.7 million people are living with Alzheimer’s disease, the seventh leading cause of death in America. But there is still no treatment or cure. Alzheimer’s hits close to home for many of us who have … Read more “Verizon Volunteers Sped Up Alzheimer’s Research. Here’s How You Can Help”

Categories: Project Profile, Verizon

Miss Louisiana Earth Invites You to Volunteer Online & Map Where Vital Wetlands Are Being Lost

Anyone, anywhere, at any time can turn their curiosity about nature into real-world impact by volunteering online with citizen science. Caroline Nickerson, Miss Louisiana Earth, is hosting an online challenge with SciStarter, Cartoscope, Healthy Gulf and Northeastern University for the general public from August 1 – August 14 to volunteer online and map land loss. … Read more “Miss Louisiana Earth Invites You to Volunteer Online & Map Where Vital Wetlands Are Being Lost”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Environment

Citizen Science Month Mini Grants Awarded by the Network of the National Library of Medicine to 15 Libraries

Anyone, anywhere can plan a Citizen Science Month (April 2021) program or effort! SciStarter and the School for the Future of Innovation in Society (SFIS) at Arizona State University, with support from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM), are engaging the public to help speed up research on … Read more “Citizen Science Month Mini Grants Awarded by the Network of the National Library of Medicine to 15 Libraries”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Other

Citizen Science Month Spotlight: The Unique Mappers in Nigeria

Join the Unique Mappers for Citizen Science Month The Unique Mappers are doing a Mapathon from April 12 to April 17 for Vulnerable Flood Disaster Communities in Nigeria. In Nigeria? Join them! About the Unique Mappers in Nigeria The content of this section in the blog is adapted from a previously published post. “The concept of … Read more “Citizen Science Month Spotlight: The Unique Mappers in Nigeria”

Categories: Citizen Science Month

Host or Participate in Citizen Science Month Events in April: Accomplish Meaningful Research in the Process

SciStarter and the School for the Future of Innovation in Society (SFIS) at Arizona State University, with support from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM), are engaging the public to help speed up research on human and environmental health. (Tempe, Arizona) — March 3, 2021 … Read more “Host or Participate in Citizen Science Month Events in April: Accomplish Meaningful Research in the Process”

Categories: Citizen Science Month