Stuck inside? There’s a citizen science project for that!

  Even if cold, cloudy weather has you avoiding the outdoors, that doesn’t mean you need to resign yourself to boredom (or Netflix). Hundreds of citizen science projects, advancing research on everything from ancient Egypt to nesting birds, are designed to be done right from home. Here are some to get you started. Cheers, The … Read more “Stuck inside? There’s a citizen science project for that!”

Categories: Archeology, Biology, Birds, Citizen Science, Computers & Technology, Featured Projects

See SciStarter’s Top 5 Projects of 2022 (and learn how NORAD tracks Santa!)

Here are the five projects that had the most participation among our SciStarter community of 150,000 registered users this year. Whether you are new to citizen science or a seasoned contributor, these projects are a tried and true testament to the wisdom of the crowd. Together, we’re helping to answer research questions no one scientist can answer … Read more “See SciStarter’s Top 5 Projects of 2022 (and learn how NORAD tracks Santa!)”

Categories: Alzheimers, Animals, Biology, Nature & Outdoors

SciStarter’s 2022 Holiday Gift Guide Is Here!

The best gift is one that keeps on giving, and these nifty tools and resources certainly fit the bill! We’ve got useful gifts for birdwatchers, skygazers and weather-trackers, as well as books that will inspire anyone’s curiosity. Even better, many of these ideas tie directly in with one or more citizen science projects on SciStarter. … Read more “SciStarter’s 2022 Holiday Gift Guide Is Here!”

Categories: Affiliate Tools, Animals, Apps, Astronomy & Space, Biology, Birds, book, Book Review, Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Education, Environment, Field Guide to Citizen Science, Nature & Outdoors, Newsletter

Feast upon these delectable citizen science projects

If you’re spending time with family and friends, here are activities to do together to discover more about your mental, biological and genetic health and more. Feast upon these delectable citizen science projects guaranteed to satisfy even the most insatiable curiosity! Thank you for being part of our growing family (150,000 strong now!) of thinkers … Read more “Feast upon these delectable citizen science projects”

Categories: Animals, Biology, Birds, Ecology & Environment, Health, Nature & Outdoors, Ocean & Water, podcast

Simple ways to learn about and help koalas, kangaroos, and coastlines

Looking for new ways to spend some of your spare time? Check out the SciStarter Affiliates page featuring dozens of gold-star projects linked directly to your SciStarter Dashboard. To get you started, we’re featuring five Affiliate projects below. Cheers! The SciStarter Team  

Categories: Alzheimers, Amphibians, Animals, Bats, Biology, Birds, Citizen Science, Insects, Nature & Outdoors, Newsletter, Ocean & Water

A raccoon crosses a paved road in the woods.

This Citizen Science Project Is Taking On Roadkill — and Potentially Saving Animals

In the United States, it is estimated that more than one million vertebrate animals are killed by vehicle collisions every day. Yet, despite the ubiquity of roadkill, there is actually little comprehensive data on how many animals are killed by cars every year. The U.S. has no national database for roadkill, and most states don’t … Read more “This Citizen Science Project Is Taking On Roadkill — and Potentially Saving Animals”

Categories: Animals, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors, Project Profile

Celebrate Halloween With Citizen Science Projects Featuring ZomBees and More!

Welcome to our annual (spooky) edition of the SciStarter Halloween blog! In the spirit of the season, we’re highlighting five projects that impart science with a healthy dose of frights and scares. But be bold, because your participation also brings critical new data to light and helps advance science everywhere. There’s nothing scary about that! … Read more “Celebrate Halloween With Citizen Science Projects Featuring ZomBees and More!”

Categories: Animals, Environment, Featured Projects, Insects, Nature & Outdoors

Ocean waves and water

How Citizen Science Helps NOAA Keep Tabs on Our Oceans

Our oceans are vast, powerful and mysterious — and even after centuries of study, there are still many things scientists don’t know about our planet’s blue expanses. But the ocean affects all of our lives intimately, even those of us who live far from the coast. Oceans provide food for billions of people, shape weather … Read more “How Citizen Science Helps NOAA Keep Tabs on Our Oceans”

Categories: Animals, Climate & Weather, Environment

Marine Iguana Galapagos Islands

Help Study the Galápagos Marine Iguana With a New Online Project

Do you know the fictional Japanese monster Godzilla? We present to you its miniature version — the very real marine iguana. Marine iguanas are a quirky, charismatic species of reptile living in the tropical paradise of the Galápagos Islands. People often refer to them as mini-Godzillas or marine dragons, but they are definitely not monstrous. … Read more “Help Study the Galápagos Marine Iguana With a New Online Project”

Categories: Animals

Image of shark on reef with small, colorful reef fish.

Tracking Sharks and Listening to Rays

Sharks get a lot more attention than, say, sea cucumbers, possibly because sharks tend to have much bigger teeth. They even get their own week! (note to Discovery Channel: please find room for Sea Cucumber Week). And yet, as marine scientist and shark expert David Shiffman points out, scientists are still discovering new things about … Read more “Tracking Sharks and Listening to Rays”

Categories: Animals, Biology, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors, Ocean & Water