Recording: CitizenScience.Asia Webinar

Learn more about CitizenScience.Asia: CitizenScience.Asia (CS.Asia) is a regional organization that aims to foster and support citizen scientists around Asia. The goal is to promote citizen science, understand the challenges and facilitate solutions to build capacity in Asia through education, resource sharing, advocacy, and collaboration with global counterparts. Citizen Science Month Webinar This webinar … Read more “Recording: CitizenScience.Asia Webinar”

Categories: Citizen Science Month

Webinar Recording of Digital Accessibility: Best Practices for Creating User-friendly Presentations and Content

Citizen science projects can be done from virtually anywhere, making these fun activities easy to join while maintaining safe social distancing. Although many people were planning to host in-person events during Citizen Science Month (April), due to COVID-19 these events have either been cancelled or changed to virtual events. And even though Citizen Science Month … Read more “Webinar Recording of Digital Accessibility: Best Practices for Creating User-friendly Presentations and Content”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, NNLM, webinar

LIVE: The Field Guide to Citizen Science–and other free resources from your library!

Please register to join us on Zoom on 04/21/2020, 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET. It’s Citizen Science Month AND National Library Week! Libraries are quickly becoming community hubs for citizen science…even online! Author Darlene Cavalier will bring to life The Field Guide to Citizen Science and provide step-by-step instructions on how to get involved … Read more “LIVE: The Field Guide to Citizen Science–and other free resources from your library!”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Events, Field Guide to Citizen Science

Earth Day 2020: 10 ways to move the world forward, together!

Together, we will move the world forward. We all share the same, single beautiful planet, as this image from Apollo 17 reminds us. As we inch closer to the distant light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, it’s easier to appreciate how every single one of us contributes to the millions of acts of … Read more “Earth Day 2020: 10 ways to move the world forward, together!”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Newsletter

Citizen Science Month: Let’s feature online resources from libraries!

Citizen Science Month is here. National Library Week is next week. We are joining forces to help more people discover online citizen science books and resources from libraries. Share your resources with us prior to a national event we are hosting next week. See details, below. (Next, we’ll focus on Science Centers’ citsci resources!) General CitSciMonth … Read more “Citizen Science Month: Let’s feature online resources from libraries!”

Categories: Citizen Science Month

Today 3 p.m. ET! Join the Fight Against COVID-19. Help Scientists With Their Coronavirus Research From Your Home

Discover and SciStarter are hosting a live, online Citizen Science Month event looking at three COVID-19 research projects that need your help. On Wednesday, April 15, at 3 p.m. EDT, Discover and SciStarter will host a livestreamed event on Zoom and Facebook to introduce you to three scientists leading COVID-19 citizen science projects that need your help. … Read more “Today 3 p.m. ET! Join the Fight Against COVID-19. Help Scientists With Their Coronavirus Research From Your Home”

Categories: Citizen Science Month

Spreading the Word about Citizen Science Month

This April, #CitSciMonth is from home. About Citizen Science Month Citizen Science projects can be done from virtually anywhere, making these fun activities easy to join while maintaining safe social distancing. Although many people were planning to host in-person events, due to COVID-19 these events have either been cancelled or changed to virtual events. Check … Read more “Spreading the Word about Citizen Science Month”

Categories: About Us, Citizen Science Month

Webinar Recording: Host or Facilitate Remote, Live-Streamed Citizen Science Events in a Pinch

Making the most out of social distancing: live-streamed citizen science to the rescue! Are you planning an in-person Citizen Science Month event in April? Looking to host a virtual event, or transition your previously in-person event to a virtual format? Then this is the virtual training for you! The Science Friday and SciStarter teams share … Read more “Webinar Recording: Host or Facilitate Remote, Live-Streamed Citizen Science Events in a Pinch”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Events, libraries, NNLM

Citizen Science-ing where you are

Keeping yourself and others safe during the COVID-19 pandemic is the #1 priority. Fortunately, there are many opportunities for conducting safe citizen science to fight disease, track migratory birds, study animal behavior, and more…collaboratively. Our editors highlight a few, below. Cheers! The SciStarter Team

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Events, Newsletter