Astronauts Tracking Microbe Growth on the International Space Station This Week

Microbe Growth Documented for Analysis and Interpretation by UC Davis Scientists Davis, CA. (December 10, 2014) – This week on the International Space Station, astronaut Terry Virts is measuring the growth of microbes collected by citizen scientists across the United States. This citizen science research, known as Project MERCCURI, investigates how microbes from different places … Read more “Astronauts Tracking Microbe Growth on the International Space Station This Week”

Categories: Other

Citizen science in space!

This morning, Space Florida announced that a research proposal submitted by SciStarter, Science Cheerleader and UCDavis won a competition to fly innovative research projects on the International Space Station via Space X in December 2013. We are stoked. This research will compare growth rates of microbiomes collected on Earth (by YOU and your fellow citizen … Read more “Citizen science in space!”

Categories: Other

CrowdScanner: A social media experiment in crowdsourcing. (Join our team, today!)

How can social media be used to accomplish a seemingly impossible task? Today, a social experiment called the “Tag Challenge” sends 5 individuals to roam the streets of New York, DC, Bratislava, Stockholm, and London. The task is to locate them before the sun sets based only on their mugshots. You can contribute by taking … Read more “CrowdScanner: A social media experiment in crowdsourcing. (Join our team, today!)”

Categories: Other

Citizen scientists power cosmic research

British astronomers have shed new light on an intriguing quirk in the anatomy of certain galaxies: a structure that looks like a bar running through a galaxy’s center. But how the researchers formulated their findings is just as interesting as the findings themselves. Their report is based on an analysis of a mountain of astronomical … Read more “Citizen scientists power cosmic research”

Categories: Astronomy & Space, Citizen Science, Computers & Technology, Other