A firefly flashes on a black background

SciStarter Podcast: Sensations of Summer

Every season has its own unique sights, sounds and other sensations. In this episode of the SciStarter podcast, we look at fireflies, listen to cicadas, feel the ocean waves and extend our senses beyond the bounds of our planet. Audio Podcast Video Podcast Credits: Firefly Closeup Terry Priest CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED Surfing Beach Video … Read more “SciStarter Podcast: Sensations of Summer”

Categories: Animals, Astronomy & Space, Biology, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Featured Projects, Insects, Nature & Outdoors, Ocean & Water, podcast, videos

Science in the Snow Audio and Video Podcast

Whenever you’re out frolicking in a winter wonderland, why not take a frolicking break every now and then to measure snow depth for your friends at the Community Snow Observations project? Your observations will help them verify data obtained from satellites and other remote sensing tools, and also fill in both spatial and temporal gaps … Read more “Science in the Snow Audio and Video Podcast”

Categories: Apps, Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Ecology & Environment, Environment, Featured Projects, Geology & Earth Sciences, Nature & Outdoors, Ocean & Water, videos

“How To” Become a Citizen Scientist in Minutes

Virtually join a SCUBA diver as she takes a fish survey. Watch scientists explain the goals of their research, how YOU can get involved, and what they’ll do with the data you collect. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the videos we feature below. You’ll discover how you can become a citizen scientist, in minutes! Nature TV and … Read more ““How To” Become a Citizen Scientist in Minutes”

Categories: book, Citizen Science, Do-It-Yourself, Featured Projects, Insects, Newsletter, videos

American Spring LIVE

SciStarter on Nature: American Spring LIVE, airing tonight and tomorrow on PBS

Starting last night, on April 29, PBS began their American Spring LIVE show. As they describe on their website, “Spring is one of nature’s greatest performances – a time of rebirth, renewed energy and dramatic transformations. For three consecutive nights, Monday, April 29 – Wednesday, May 1 at 8:00 p.m. ET on PBS (check local … Read more “SciStarter on Nature: American Spring LIVE, airing tonight and tomorrow on PBS”

Categories: Citizen Science News, videos

Tips to create a “How To” video for your citizen science project.

SciStarter is curating “How To” videos for citizen science. Many of the featured projects’ leaders recorded their own video on a smart phone! You can, too! Help people understand how to do your project by showing them a brief video tutorial. Here are tips to consider: Introduce yourself and what you do. Briefly describe the … Read more “Tips to create a “How To” video for your citizen science project.”

Categories: About Us, SciStarter News, videos