Our dependency on clean water is something we all have in common. In celebration of the Clean Water Act’s 45th anniversary (October 18), we’ve selected six citizen science opportunities to monitor the vitality of water near you.
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The SciStarter Team
Grab your camera and document flood events throughout North Carolina. Your photos help communities understand vulnerabilities to coastal flooding and inform community planning.
Location: North Carolina, United States
Middle school students around the globe are the experts on their local streams and creeks. Enlist your kids and monitor the quality of creeks and streams near you.
Location: Global
Monitoring the quality of the water in our oceans is a big job, especially when that water is constantly moving and changing. Using the Eye on Water app from the CitClops project, you can do your part by collecting information about water color, clarity and fluorescence of oceans around the world.
Location: Global
Looking for a reason to get out on the lake? Michigan’s Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program is the second oldest lake monitoring program in the country. Document changes in lake quality and share your observations with scientists.
Location: Michigan, US
Live in Michigan? Help keep tabs on the streams in your community. MiCorps’ Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program (VSMP) provides technical assistance, training, and grants to volunteer stream monitors to ensure the collection of reliable, high-quality data.
Location: Michigan, US
Discover more citizen science on the SciStarter calendar. Did you know your SciStarter dashboard helps you track your contributions to projects? Complete your profile to access free tools. Want even more citizen science? Check out SciStarter’s Project Finder! With 1100+ citizen science projects spanning every field of research, task and age group, there’s something for everyone!