Just Add Water: Why Water Monitoring is Important

Today is World Water Monitoring Day! Participate by ordering a test kit and submitting sample data through December of this year. Also, check out the ocean of other water citizen science projects on SciStarter. Here at SciStarter, we spend a lot of time supporting citizen science, but we also happen to be citizen scientists ourselves. In the … Read more “Just Add Water: Why Water Monitoring is Important”

Categories: Chemistry, Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Ecology & Environment, In the News, Nature & Outdoors, Ocean & Water, Science Education Standards

Why do some tree leaves turn red?

SciStarter has a whole round-up of tree-related projects for you this season. Branch out into citizen science! Walking around my neighborhood the other day, I was casually observing the local flora when I was struck by the redness of one particular set of leaves. While the tree pictured is not the exact one I spied … Read more “Why do some tree leaves turn red?”

Categories: Education, Guest Contributor, Nature & Outdoors, Science Education Standards

From the Redwoods Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters: Mapping Redwoods Helps Conservation Efforts

This post is part of this week’s featured projects about other tree projects. Branch out into citizen science and take a look! Standing among Redwood trees is truly a humbling experience – driving amidst these giants of the plant kingdom, I couldn’t help imagining I had time-travelled back to Earth’s Mesozoic Era when dinosaurs roamed … Read more “From the Redwoods Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters: Mapping Redwoods Helps Conservation Efforts”

Categories: Apps, Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors

Save the Tasmanian Devil!

Tasmania, the island state of Australia, is known for its tall trees, its wild mountains, its challenging caves, but most of all for its Tasmanian Devils. While the Warner Brothers cartoon character may be responsible for this infamy, the devils themselves are fascinating creatures. They are also endangered by a mysterious disease and are the … Read more “Save the Tasmanian Devil!”

Categories: Animals, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Health

Want to know which tree that leaf is from? Let Leafsnap come to your rescue!

This post is part of this week’s featured projects about other tree projects. Branch out into citizen science and take a look! A couple of weekends ago, I was up in the impressive Adirondacks in upstate New York for a getaway with friends. One of the interesting things I noticed while driving through the winding … Read more “Want to know which tree that leaf is from? Let Leafsnap come to your rescue!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors

Treezilla: A Monster of a Citizen Science Project

This post is part of this week’s featured projects about other tree projects. Take a look! Maps are everywhere these days. They have become as ubiquitous in our daily lives as they have in the science community. Citizen science projects that utilize maps are instantly familiar, easy to use, and enrich scientific data with a … Read more “Treezilla: A Monster of a Citizen Science Project”

Categories: Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors

Citizen Science Does Grow on Trees!

Trees provide us with oxygen, shade, and that calming rustle on an evening hike. Now, they’re also providing the opportunity to do some citizen science! Here is our round-up of tree-related citizen science projects that you can go out on a limb to participate in! Treezilla Treezilla is a mapping project based in Great Britain … Read more “Citizen Science Does Grow on Trees!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors

A Picture Saves 1,000 Streams – Water Quality Monitoring on Your Smartphone

This post is part of this week’s featured projects about water quality monitoring. Take a look! Despite over 70% of the Earth’s surface being covered in water, one in nine people do not have access to an improved water source.(1) Contaminated water kills more people than all wars, crimes and terrorism combined yet more people … Read more “A Picture Saves 1,000 Streams – Water Quality Monitoring on Your Smartphone”

Categories: Apps, Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors, Ocean & Water

Monitoring Water Quality

This post is part of this week’s  featured projects about water quality monitoring. Take a look! Clean water. We all need it. It is necessary for human health, food security, economic growth, and preservation of natural habitats. Sadly, human activity often threatens water quality. Tracking water quality is a crucial step is maintaining safe water. … Read more “Monitoring Water Quality”

Categories: Citizen Science