Mark Your Calendars for CitSci2021

Mark your calendars for May 2021! The 2021 Citizen Science Association conference (#CitSci2021) will be at School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University (ASU), our partners in citizen science innovation. SciStarter is a proud research affiliate of ASU. Our founder and founding board member of the Citizen Science Association, Darlene … Read more “Mark Your Calendars for CitSci2021”

Categories: Citizen Science, Citizen Science Conference, Citizen Science News, Events

“How To” Become a Citizen Scientist in Minutes

Virtually join a SCUBA diver as she takes a fish survey. Watch scientists explain the goals of their research, how YOU can get involved, and what they’ll do with the data you collect. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the videos we feature below. You’ll discover how you can become a citizen scientist, in minutes! Nature TV and … Read more ““How To” Become a Citizen Scientist in Minutes”

Categories: book, Citizen Science, Do-It-Yourself, Featured Projects, Insects, Newsletter, videos

Rhetoric and Citizen Science in a Digital World

Wynn, James. Citizen Science in the Digital Age: Rhetoric, Science, and Public Engagement. The University of Alabama Press, 2017. 224 pages. Paperback $US 24.95. Citizen scientists have repeatedly faced resistance from skeptics questioning their experience, training, and ability, but recent technological advances have brought citizen science into the digital age, transforming many aspects of the … Read more “Rhetoric and Citizen Science in a Digital World”

Categories: Book Review, Citizen Science, CitSci Research

Project MartinRoost: A Scavenger Hunt in Your Backyard

This post is part of a collaboration between SciStarter and Career in STEM, in which writers spotlight different citizen science projects, interview project leaders about their careers, and create educational content for teachers and students. This series is available on the Science Connected, Career in STEM, SciStarter, and Discover Magazine blog platforms.  Click to jump … Read more “Project MartinRoost: A Scavenger Hunt in Your Backyard”

Categories: Birds, Citizen Science, EarthSchool, Project Profile

Citizen Science Heads Back To School ?

No matter what age you are, you can do real scientific research as a citizen scientist! Below, SciStarter’s editors feature 10 great citizen science projects for formal and informal science learning settings. Citizen science has been identified as an effective approach to support student learning in science by engaging students in the science practices as … Read more “Citizen Science Heads Back To School ?”

Categories: EarthSchool, Education, Newsletter

Human Impact: Climate Change and Citizen Science

This blog post is an edited excerpt from Human Impact, a new publication from Science Connected. Edited by Kate Stone and Shayna Keyles, Human Impact delivers 17 true tales of how humanity has changed the Earth, for better or for worse. This chapter appears in Human Impact as “Act Now: Engaging in Citizen Science,” and includes contributions … Read more “Human Impact: Climate Change and Citizen Science”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Environment

Five ways your dog can do science. Woof!

We’re in the dog days of summer, and National Dog Day is August 26. You and your dog can celebrate by doing a little science together (that’s right!)…and help researchers in the process. Cheers! The SciStarter Team

Categories: Animals, Newsletter

Wicked Hot Boston: Urban Heat Island (UHI) Mapping

Want to map extreme heat in your community? Anyone, anywhere can take action with ISeeChange. It’s not just in your head; Boston really is hotter in the summer. When urban areas are warmer than surrounding non-urban environments, we experience a phenomenon called the urban heat island (UHI) effect.  Cities are filled with large amounts of … Read more “Wicked Hot Boston: Urban Heat Island (UHI) Mapping”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Events, Nature & Outdoors, Project Profile, Science Policy, Science Practices

Year in Citizen Science: August Calendar

SciStarter maintains a “Year in Citizen Science” Google Calendar.  You can learn more and access the full Google Calendar at Happy August!

Categories: Calendar