Behind the scenes of INVENTING TOMORROW with the WaterInsights™ Team

The documentary INVENTING TOMORROW follows several young scientists on their journey to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), a program of Society for Science & the Public, with projects that tackle complex environmental issues affecting water, air, and soil quality. INVENTING TOMORROW Broadcast on July 29, 2019 You can catch this documentary tonight on POV … Read more “Behind the scenes of INVENTING TOMORROW with the WaterInsights™ Team”

Categories: Chemistry, Citizen Science, EarthSchool, Environment, In the News

Five Fin-tastic projects for Shark Week

The Discovery Channel’s popular Shark Week is July 28-August 4. Help scientists learn more about sharks through the projects we’ve tagged for you, below. This year, you can also help provide healthy ocean homes for sharks by joining the world’s largest volunteer effort for oceans: the International Coastal Cleanup. Cheers! The SciStarter Team

Categories: Animals, Biology, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Education, Featured Projects, Newsletter, Ocean & Water, webinar

citizen science ocean sanctuaries

Diving into Citizen Science: The Origins of Ocean Sanctuaries

Since 2000, I’ve been an avid scuba diver in Southern California. When the Yukon, a 366 ft. long Canadian warship, sunk off the coast of San Diego in July of 2000, it became an artificial reef for divers to explore, piquing my interest in and igniting a lifelong passion for diving. In late 2006, my … Read more “Diving into Citizen Science: The Origins of Ocean Sanctuaries”

Categories: Citizen Science, CitSci Research, Ocean & Water

Help scientists track extreme weather this week!

Tropical storms loom large over different parts of the globe, while extreme heat and droughts wreak havoc on other areas. Flash floods and landslides plague parts of India, as dust storms make it difficult to drive and breathe in the southwestern United States. Extreme weather. We may feel powerless, but there are ways we can … Read more “Help scientists track extreme weather this week!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Nature & Outdoors, Newsletter

Book Review: Reflecting on a Life of Citizen Science

Anne Innis Dagg, Smitten by Giraffe: My Life as a Citizen Scientist, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016. 256 pp. $34.95 hardcover.  Smitten by Giraffe: My Life as a Citizen Scientist is a memoir by Anne Innis Dagg. In the text, she describes her pursuits as a citizen scientist, ranging from her first encounter with giraffe … Read more “Book Review: Reflecting on a Life of Citizen Science”

Categories: Book Review, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment

GLOBE Observer

NASA GLOBE Observer Needs Your Help Reporting Dust Storms

NASA GLOBE Observer needs your help recruiting volunteer citizen scientists to report dust storms. Scientists want these data so they can improve forecasts of dust storms and send early warnings to the public. How can you help? Tell people in your community that if they see a dust storm, please report it using the GLOBE … Read more “NASA GLOBE Observer Needs Your Help Reporting Dust Storms”

Categories: Apps, Climate & Weather, Environment

EarthEcho Water Challenge

Take Action with the EarthEcho Water Challenge to Protect Local Waterways!

Take action with the EarthEcho Water Challenge to collect and share water quality data. Then, work to protect your local water resources. About the EarthEcho Water Challenge On March 22, this year’s EarthEcho Water Challenge kicked off, empowering young people and community members around the world to monitor and protect local water resources in their … Read more “Take Action with the EarthEcho Water Challenge to Protect Local Waterways!”

Categories: EarthSchool, Environment, Ocean & Water

Make a Splash with Citizen Science!

This summer, whether you’re at home, fishing on a lake, or walking along the beach, consider getting involved in one or more of the citizen science projects featured below. Each one empowers us to keep an eye on the health of our water sources. Cheers! The SciStarter Team

Categories: Newsletter, Ocean & Water

Year in Citizen Science

Year in Citizen Science: July Calendar

We present to you a graphic-designed version of the month of July from our “Year in Citizen Science” Google Calendar. You can add to the Google Calendar whenever you wish, to any month in the year, by emailing Erica Chenoweth at Each month, Erica will release a printable version of the calendar featuring some of the events from … Read more “Year in Citizen Science: July Calendar”

Categories: Calendar, Citizen Science, Do-It-Yourself, Events

beat extreme heat

Wicked Hot Boston: How can you help beat extreme heat?

How can you help beat extreme heat? Imagine a smoldering hot day in downtown Boston: temperatures have reached over 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and the sidewalks and streets are absorbing the strong heat from the sun and radiating it back into the air.  Days like this are becoming hotter and more frequent. This “silent storm” causes … Read more “Wicked Hot Boston: How can you help beat extreme heat?”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Environment, Events