beat extreme heat

Wicked Hot Boston: How can you help beat extreme heat?

How can you help beat extreme heat? Imagine a smoldering hot day in downtown Boston: temperatures have reached over 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and the sidewalks and streets are absorbing the strong heat from the sun and radiating it back into the air.  Days like this are becoming hotter and more frequent. This “silent storm” causes … Read more “Wicked Hot Boston: How can you help beat extreme heat?”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Environment, Events

Long Beach Scuba Show

Long Beach Scuba Show: Catching up with Reef Check and Ocean Sanctuaries

Kristin Butler dedicates her Scuba Series in remembrance of her beloved mother, Marilyn Butler, who passed along to Kristin a deep love for science and nature along with a pair of pink scuba diving fins. Each year, the Long Beach Scuba Show brings together divers from around the world for seminars and exhibits on all … Read more “Long Beach Scuba Show: Catching up with Reef Check and Ocean Sanctuaries”

Categories: Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors

Pollinator Week Logo June 17-23 2019

It’s Pollinator Week and we’re all a-buzzzz!

This is a perfect week to make and share your pollinator observations with scientists. Our editors selected five projects in need of your help. More about pollinators from Penn State’s website:”Pollinators are animals (primarily insect, but sometimes avian or mammalian) that fertilize plants, resulting in the formation of seeds and the fruit surrounding seeds. Humans … Read more “It’s Pollinator Week and we’re all a-buzzzz!”

Categories: book, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Education, Environment, Featured Projects, Insects, Newsletter, Webinar, webinar

Citizen Science Association

SciStarter Education: A webinar featuring our new EdTech platform

On June 10, 2019 the Citizen Science Association invited the SciStarter team to present on our new education platform to get more citizen science into schools! Leonora Shell (SciStarter’s Education Program Co-Director) presented on the new EdTech platform and the full video recording of the webinar can be found here and the slides here. With … Read more “SciStarter Education: A webinar featuring our new EdTech platform”

Categories: Education, Webinar

Climate Watch Program

Help Audubon Protect Threatened Birds by Participating in the Climate Watch Program

Audubon’s Climate Watch Program needs volunteers to help it spot 12 birds threatened by climate change. Are you in? “Hope is the thing with feathers/ That perches in the soul,” Emily Dickinson wrote. Is there hope for our feathered friends in the era of climate change? Yes, but they need our help. More than 300 … Read more “Help Audubon Protect Threatened Birds by Participating in the Climate Watch Program”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, EarthSchool, Environment, Project Profile

Pre-orders now available for “The Field Guide to Citizen Science”

Coming Soon! “The Field Guide to Citizen Science,” from the experts at SciStarter , published by Timber Press . Citizen science is the public involvement in the discovery of new scientific knowledge. A citizen science project can involve one person or millions of people collaborating towards a common goal. The citizen science movement is approachable and inclusive, making it … Read more “Pre-orders now available for “The Field Guide to Citizen Science””

Categories: book

Antarctic Citizen Scientists

Looking Beneath the Ocean’s Surface with Antarctic Citizen Scientists

Scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography are working with Antarctic tour operators like Hurtigruten to enable vacationers to serve as citizen scientists with the FjordPhyto citizen science project. Travelers collect samples of phytoplankton from Antarctic fjords in an effort to understand the base of the food web, helping scientists learn how one of the most … Read more “Looking Beneath the Ocean’s Surface with Antarctic Citizen Scientists”

Categories: Animals, Citizen Science, Project Profile

Right at Home with Citizen Science

Explore one of the least scientifically studied places on the planet: your home! Our editors picked these five projects to help you and scientists learn more about indoor air quality, microbes, tap water pipes, and living things lurking in your home! Find more projects you can do at home here. Cheers, The SciStarter Team

Categories: Citizen Science, Featured Projects, Health, Newsletter

Year in Citizen Science

Year in Citizen Science: June Calendar

We present to you a graphic-designed version of the month of June from our “Year in Citizen Science” Google Calendar. You can add to the Google Calendar whenever you wish, to any month in the year, by emailing Erica Chenoweth at Each month, Erica will release a printable version of the calendar featuring some of the events from … Read more “Year in Citizen Science: June Calendar”

Categories: Calendar, Do-It-Yourself

Science Communication Online

Science Communication Online: A New Book Exploring How We Do and Share Science On the Internet

Changing Methods of Science Communication When we discuss science communication, we often talk about it as either targeted at professional scientists or as targeted at the public. However, with the increase in citizen science and public engagement in science, new ways to communicate about science — modes that exist somewhere between separate professional and public … Read more “Science Communication Online: A New Book Exploring How We Do and Share Science On the Internet”

Categories: Book Review, Citizen Science