
Didn’t get to join the Megathon on #CitSciDay2019? You have until tomorrow at midnight!

Today is Citizen Science Day (#CitSciDay2019), and our featured event is the Stall Catchers #Megathon, an online game you can play from anywhere (with internet access) to help Cornell scientists better understand how stalled blood flow contributes to Alzheimer’s disease. We had our “catching hour” on Stall Catchers from 2 PM to 3 PM ET … Read more “Didn’t get to join the Megathon on #CitSciDay2019? You have until tomorrow at midnight!”

Categories: Alzheimers, Citizen Science Day

Can you spare one hour tomorrow to help accelerate a year of Alzheimer’s research?

Tomorrow is Citizen Science Day (#CitSciDay2019) and there are many ways to celebrate. Add or find an event near you or access lots of free resources, including downloadable bookmarks, posters and more, on the Citizen Science Day page. The signature project this year is the Stall Catchers Megathon, an online game you can play from anywhere (with … Read more “Can you spare one hour tomorrow to help accelerate a year of Alzheimer’s research?”

Categories: Citizen Science Day

Go ahead. Try this at home.

There are so many ways to engage in Citizen Science Day on April 13. Participate in any SciStarter affiliate project to earn a personalized certificate. Start with the Stall Catchers Megathon, a gamified, online inter-generational game to accelerate research on Alzheimer’s! Join the virtual SciStarter Megathon team or organize or join an in-person Megathon meet-up. Find all you need on … Read more “Go ahead. Try this at home.”

Categories: Alzheimers, Citizen Science Day, Events, Featured Projects, National Citizen Science Day, Science Cheerleaders, SciFests, SciStarter News

Citizen Science Day

Get Involved in a Global Effort on Citizen Science Day

Are you a citizen scientist? Do you manage a citizen science project? Why not celebrate Citizen Science Day on 13 April? On that Saturday, a global community of citizen science practitioners and supporters will be holding hundreds of events to raise awareness of the importance of engagement between science and society. If you are involved … Read more “Get Involved in a Global Effort on Citizen Science Day”

Categories: Alzheimers, Citizen Science Day

Slavery from Space: Citizen Science in the Antislavery Movement

Slavery from Space is a citizen science project that allows users to further the antislavery movement by mapping the locations of activities in which people are frequently found to be enslaved. How many slaves do you think there are in the world? You might be surprised. In 2016, the International Labour Organization estimated that 40.3 million people were … Read more “Slavery from Space: Citizen Science in the Antislavery Movement”

Categories: Astronomy & Space, Citizen Science, Project Profile

Innovation Meets Citizen Science

Citizen science has been around as long as science, but innovative approaches are opening doors to more and deeper forms of public participation. Below, our editors spotlight a few projects that feature new approaches, novel research, or low-cost instruments. They all provide opportunities to act upon issues you may care about. Cheers! The SciStarter Team

Categories: Newsletter

Mosquito Habitat Mapper

Neighborhood Science with GLOBE Mission Mosquito

Spring is a great time to start using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper. Have you noticed any mosquitoes yet? Spring is upon us in the United States, and mosquitoes are already buzzing in many parts of the country. Below is a map that shows the approximate onset of the mosquito season throughout the contiguous … Read more “Neighborhood Science with GLOBE Mission Mosquito”

Categories: Apps, Citizen Science, Citizen Science Day, Climate & Weather, EarthSchool, Environment, Insects, Project Profile


How to Join the #Megathon From Anywhere in the World on #CitSciDay2019

Citizen Science Day 2019 (referred to as #CitSciDay2019 on social media) falls on Saturday, April 13 this year. On Citizen Science Day, SciStarter and the Citizen Science Association are encouraging people all over the world to celebrate citizen science. For a “quick start,” you may just want to join the SciStarter team right now. If … Read more “How to Join the #Megathon From Anywhere in the World on #CitSciDay2019”

Categories: Alzheimers, Citizen Science Day

Environmental Citizen Science

Book Review: Building a Foundation In Environmental Citizen Science

Dickinson, Janis L. & Bonney, Rick. (eds). Citizen Science: Public Participation in Environmental Research. Cornell University Press, 2012. 279 pages. Paperback $US 29.95. Though it was published in 2012, Citizen Science: Public Participation in Environmental Research is relevant to our present moment. As discussions of environmental research increase in frequency and urgency, institutions at all levels will … Read more “Book Review: Building a Foundation In Environmental Citizen Science”

Categories: Book Review, Citizen Science, CitSci Research, Environment

Kauai Blue Water Task Force

The Kauai Blue Water Task Force releases their annual water quality report.

The Surfrider Foundation is an international non-profit organization that is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s ocean, waves, and beaches. The Surfrider Foundation works with a large network of grassroots environmentalists, who serve as a first line of response for water quality monitoring on the coastline. The Blue Water Task Force (BWTF) … Read more “The Kauai Blue Water Task Force releases their annual water quality report.”

Categories: Chemistry, Environment, Ocean & Water, Project Profile