Citizen Science Is Helping Scientists Uncover the Genetics of Taste

Genetics plays an enormous role in our lives, even if we don’t always realize it.  Have you ever wondered why some people love cilantro, but it tastes like soap to others? While it might all be in your head, chances are it’s actually in your genes. A study was posted to in 2012 that … Read more “Citizen Science Is Helping Scientists Uncover the Genetics of Taste”

Categories: Citizen Science

Information to Action: Strengthening EPA Citizen Science Partnerships for Environmental Protection

The new report from the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) is out: “Information to Action: Strengthening EPA Citizen Science Partnerships for Environmental Protection.” This report is a follow-up to the Council’s first report, “Environmental Protection Belongs to the People.” There are ten recommendations to the EPA in the report(s). As articulated … Read more “Information to Action: Strengthening EPA Citizen Science Partnerships for Environmental Protection”

Categories: CitSci Research, EPA NACEPT

More than 50 citizen science events are taking place today through Sunday

Looking for something to do this weekend? There are more than FIFTY citizen science events taking place today through Sunday. Among them, the City Nature Challenge and the citizen science at the Philadelphia Science Festival’s Carnival on the Ben Franklin Parkway! Check out SciStarter’s April event calendar to find something near you.

Categories: Events, SciFests

ASU / SciStarter Citizen Science Maker Summit: Learning Outcomes and Next Steps

Here’s a new report on the Citizen Science Maker Summit, hosted by Arizona State University and SciStarter in October, 2016. The report, “ASU / SciStarter Citizen Science Maker Summit: Learning Outcomes and Next Steps” [ ] highlights activities from the Summit, provides links to speakers’ recorded talks [also posted to the website ], … Read more “ASU / SciStarter Citizen Science Maker Summit: Learning Outcomes and Next Steps”

Categories: Animals, ASU Citizen Science Maker Summit, Citizen Science, CitSci Research, Events

Volunteers Protect Clean Water from Coast to Coast

The Surfrider Foundation is pleased to release its 2017 Clean Water Annual Report, which tracks the progress of our Blue Water Task Force (BWTF) and Ocean Friendly Gardens (OFG) programs during the calendar year of 2017.  At a time when it can be difficult to depend on the federal agencies tasked with protecting our clean water and healthy coasts, it … Read more “Volunteers Protect Clean Water from Coast to Coast”

Categories: Citizen Science, Ocean & Water

On Citizen Science Day, citizen scientists joined 180 projects through SciStarter and made 20,000 contributions to six featured projects!

Well done citizen scientists! On Citizen Science Day, you joined more than 180 projects through SciStarter and made more than 20,000 new contributions to just six projects featured on Your Research Mission! There’s still time to accept “Your Research Mission” to participate in any three projects among those we selected for this special mission. Complete … Read more “On Citizen Science Day, citizen scientists joined 180 projects through SciStarter and made 20,000 contributions to six featured projects!”

Categories: Other

Competition Meets Collaboration: The City Nature Challenge

When you hear the word “nature,” you’re likely to think of your last camping trip to a state park, or of grandiose landscapes with forests, lakes, and snow-capped mountains. You may remember the last trip to the beach and the variety of birds you saw while sunbathing. There are likely many images that pop into … Read more “Competition Meets Collaboration: The City Nature Challenge”

Categories: Citizen Science, Nature & Outdoors

A new citizen science project for dog lovers. MuttMix: Can You Guess That Mutt?

Our first question upon hearing that someone has a new baby is usually “Is it a boy or a girl?” But our first question upon hearing that someone has gotten a new puppy is more often “What breed is it?” Breed is at the heart of how we perceive dogs. It affects many of our … Read more “A new citizen science project for dog lovers. MuttMix: Can You Guess That Mutt?”

Categories: Other, Project Profile

Citizen Science Day celebrates and recruits people who engage in large-scale and local research

Month-long events include hands-on activities like nature festivals, museum events, trainings, bioblitzes, and more. The “citizen science” movement is gathering momentum, as scientists, policy makers, and the public themselves recognize that EVERYONE can make meaningful contributions to research. SciStarter is teaming up with the Citizen Science Association to raise awareness of hundreds of events and … Read more “Citizen Science Day celebrates and recruits people who engage in large-scale and local research”

Categories: Other

Citizen Science in the City

We’ve got a big weekend coming up for science! Not only is Citizen Science Day on April 14th, it’s also the March for Science and we’re also preparing for the City Nature Challenge! We’ve pulled together a long list of projects you could do in a city, so there’s something for everyone! So, plan your weekend now and find a Citizen … Read more “Citizen Science in the City”

Categories: Birds, Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Computers & Technology, Ecology & Environment, Events, Featured Projects, Insects, National Citizen Science Day, Nature & Outdoors, Newsletter