Citizen Science in Oakland: By the People, for the People

Through the atrium of an Oakland, CA community center, and down a narrow, paint-spattered hallway, sits Counter Culture Labs (CCL). This bocce-ball-court-turned-research-laboratory has been the east bay home for citizen science and biohacking since 2012. Ongoing projects at CCL include the Real Vegan Cheese project, which is programming yeast to produce milk proteins that can … Read more “Citizen Science in Oakland: By the People, for the People”

Categories: Citizen Science, Do-It-Yourself

Super Bowl Citizen Science Projects from the Science Cheerleaders!

When the Philadelphia Eagles face the New England Patriots on Sunday, look for the brains on the sidelines. A combined THIRTY Super Bowl cheerleaders are currently pursuing careers in STEM. Fifteen on the Patriots side and fifteen on the Eagles side. Below, two former cheerleaders share their picks for Citizen Science on Super Bowl Sunday! Cheers! The SciStarter Team

Categories: Animals, Apps, Astronomy & Space, Birds, Citizen Science, Events, Featured Projects, Ocean & Water, Science Cheerleaders, USA Science and Engineering Festival

Trophy marks new era for citizen science in the classroom

By Egle Marija Ramanauskaite, Citizen Science Coordinator at EyesOnALZ December 21st, 2017, just might enter the history books as the first day a citizen science trophy was ever awarded to a school. The trophy, bestowed to 250 students for contributing to Alzheimer’s research, is now proudly displayed next to sports trophies & special achievement awards at a … Read more “Trophy marks new era for citizen science in the classroom”

Categories: Citizen Science, EarthSchool, Education, Guest Contributor, Health, Other, Project Profile

SciStarter’s Top 10 Projects of 2017 are here!

What a year it has been! We now have more than 50,000 active members participating in over 1,700 projects on SciStarter. We can’t wait to see what 2018 brings. From neurons to whales and everything in between, the 2017 Top 10 Projects are as varied and diverse as their participants. Thanks for making it such … Read more “SciStarter’s Top 10 Projects of 2017 are here!”

Categories: Animals, Apps, Astronomy & Space, Citizen Science News, Climate & Weather, Ecology & Environment, Featured Projects, Health, Insects

Your Computer Can Volunteer, Too

By: Caitlin Larkin You probably remember when the Ebola virus became news in 2014, after it killed thousands of people. Erica Ollmann Saphire (pictured above), a structural biologist at The Scripps Research Institute, and one of the world’s foremost experts on Ebola, understood the molecular structure of the disease—and she knew its weak spots. She … Read more “Your Computer Can Volunteer, Too”

Categories: Apps, Citizen Science, Citizen Science News, Guest Contributor, Health