The Sky is Falling! Or is It?

By Dolores Hill and Carl Hergenrother, Target Asteroids! Co-Leads Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission Today’s amateur astronomers carry on long held traditions in citizen science by making valuable contributions in data collection and monitoring celestial objects of all kinds. They supplement work done by professional astronomers and fill gaps … Read more “The Sky is Falling! Or is It?”

Categories: Astronomy & Space, Citizen Science, Project Profile

Help scientists discover what else happens during a solar eclipse!

It’s a Solar Eclipse! When the moon completely covers the sun on August 21, will animals behave differently? Will air and surface temperatures fluctuate? Help scientists answer these and other research questions! Below, we highlight projects you can do in the path of the eclipse, in your own backyard, and a couple for after the eclipse. Find … Read more “Help scientists discover what else happens during a solar eclipse!”

Categories: Astronomy & Space, Citizen Science, Featured Projects

Science Experiments for the Public during the Solar Eclipse

By Dr. Liz MacDonald, founder of Aurorasaurus and scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. This blog reposted from Over a century ago, American astronomer W.W. Campbell set up a 40 foot ‘Schaeberle camera’ in Jeur, India to take pictures and study various properties of the sun’s outermost layer called the corona during the … Read more “Science Experiments for the Public during the Solar Eclipse”

Categories: Astronomy & Space, Citizen Science, Guest Contributor, Project Profile

Weeding: It’s Not Just for Gardeners

By Kayla Keyes, Mote Marine Laboratory Recent news about Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has been grim: the most recent aerial survey of the reef identified a stretch of bleached coral over 900 miles (1500 km) long, and scientists have declared the reef to be in a terminal stage. Studies have shown that losing the Great … Read more “Weeding: It’s Not Just for Gardeners”

Categories: Citizen Science, Guest Contributor, Ocean & Water, Project Profile

Look down, look all around during the total solar eclipse

On August 21st, millions of people across the U.S. will have the opportunity to witness a total solar eclipse. But we won’t be the only ones taking notice—there is a good chance animals, and even some plants, will be affected by the event, too. It is not as farfetched as you might think. Many animals … Read more “Look down, look all around during the total solar eclipse”

Categories: Astronomy & Space, Citizen Science, Project Profile

Love Monarchs? Participate in the Monarch Monitoring Blitz This Week!

By Cora Lund Preston, Communication Specialist for Monarch Joint Venture The Monarch Monitoring Blitz has begun! Grab your hats, sunscreen and clipboards and join fellow citizen scientists for some fresh air and an international monarch monitoring blitz from July 29-August 5th! With enough reports, your information will provide a snapshot that helps scientists understand the range … Read more “Love Monarchs? Participate in the Monarch Monitoring Blitz This Week!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Events, Project Profile

Celebrating Shark Week with Sevengill Sharks

This week is Shark Week so we wanted to celebrate by returning to three posts written about Sevengill Sharks and ways you can support their conservation through the Sevengill Sharks Tracking Project.  The first post (seen below) was published in 2013 with others following in 2015 and 2016.  Not really into carnivorous fish? Check out … Read more “Celebrating Shark Week with Sevengill Sharks”

Categories: Citizen Science, Guest Contributor, Project Profile

A new, national “Think Like a Citizen Scientist” Girl Scouts journey!

A new Think Like a Citizen Scientist Girl Scouts journey was released this morning in collaboration with SciStarter as part of the Girl Scouts of USA’s announcement that it is adding 23 new badges related to science, technology, engineering, math and the outdoors. Girl Scouts can now earn badges through activities like programming robots, citizen … Read more “A new, national “Think Like a Citizen Scientist” Girl Scouts journey!”

Categories: Girl Scouts, SciStarter News