Eat, Sleep, Repeat: Crowdsourcing The Data Of A Baby’s Typical Day

For many new parents, trying to figure out what a baby needs can feel like taking care of a tiny alien. It doesn’t speak your language and yet you have to figure out what it needs to stay alive. And while there is no shortage of advice about how to manage your child’s eating and … Read more “Eat, Sleep, Repeat: Crowdsourcing The Data Of A Baby’s Typical Day”

Categories: Citizen Science, Project Profile

Winter Birding- Seasonal Citizen Science for Everyone!

Citizen scientists have been studying birds for over 100 years, and some of the most popular projects involve observing birds throughout the winter.  Below, we highlight five projects that study birds during the winter.  Whether you want to watch birds while outdoors or from the comfort of your home, we have a project for you! … Read more “Winter Birding- Seasonal Citizen Science for Everyone!”

Categories: Birds, Citizen Science, Newsletter

Making Citizen Science Tools Discoverable and Accessible

At SciStarter, we aim to make it easy to find and join meaningful citizen science projects. Choose a location, activity, or topic to find appropriate adventures and learn more about the project and what tools (sensors, digital scales, rain gauges, etc) are needed to participate. But, for many projects and would-be participants, there are challenges … Read more “Making Citizen Science Tools Discoverable and Accessible”

Categories: ASU Citizen Science Maker Summit, Citizen Science, Citizen Science News, SciStarter News

Citizen Scientists, Citizen Educators

When most people think about citizen scientists, they tend to think of them as data collectors, volunteering their time to report wildlife sightings, gather microbe samples, or transcribe old weather reports. It’s true that data collection is the primary task of most citizen scientists, but many volunteers take their participation a step further by designing … Read more “Citizen Scientists, Citizen Educators”

Categories: Citizen Science, Education

Thankful for the Holidays and Citizen Science

Last week was Thanksgiving, and all of us at SciStarter contributed to a list of which citizen science projects we are most thankful for. Although a number of projects came to mind, one stood out for me because it actually pulled me into the field of citizen science. This was ten years ago, and at … Read more “Thankful for the Holidays and Citizen Science”

Categories: Citizen Science, Citizen Science News, Computers & Technology

Projects We Are Thankful For

As Thanksgiving approaches, the SciStarter team would like to take this opportunity to thank you for advancing so many fields of research this year. Below, the newsletter team shares projects we’re especially grateful for this year. And from SciStarter’s developers: Daniel Arbuckle: Einstein @Home Jonathan Brier: Personal Genome Project Steve Gano: Surfrider Foundation’s Blue Water Task Force, San … Read more “Projects We Are Thankful For”

Categories: Citizen Science, Newsletter

Why it’s OK to fail: empowering students to discover

By Lea Shell Middle school students are presented with a bucket of what, at first glance, looks like dirt. They pull handfuls onto their lab bench and carefully begin to sift. “I found a shark tooth!” one student exclaims,  prompting the other students to peer more intently at their own piles. Before long, they see … Read more “Why it’s OK to fail: empowering students to discover”

Categories: Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering), Citizen Science, Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering), EarthSchool, Education, Guest Contributor, Science Practices

If you sleep or age, you can do these projects!

Citizen Science about you. Contribute to research on sleeping, aging, and even your fidgeting habits. Something for everyone.  Below, we highlight five fun projects that contribute to our understanding of the human race.  Find more with the SciStarter Project Finder. Cheers! The SciStarter Team

Categories: Citizen Science, Newsletter

Celebrate World Science Day with Citizen Science and NASA

Today is World Science Day, an internationally celebrated day to increase the public’s ability to participate more meaningfully in science and to take action on environmental issues important to their community. The day also coincides with International Science Center and Science Museum Day. At SciStarter, we see citizen science as the perfect way to celebrate and … Read more “Celebrate World Science Day with Citizen Science and NASA”

Categories: Apps, Citizen Science, Events