Coming to Consensus on Classifying Cyclones

For years,  weather-monitoring agencies around the globe have collected data to help determine whether and how tropical cyclones — called hurricanes in the US — change over time. But another thing that changes over time is the technology used to record storm data. This, combined with changes in record keeping standards has created an inconsistent … Read more “Coming to Consensus on Classifying Cyclones”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Project Profile

SciStarter and the Science Cheerleaders join forces at the Bay Area Science Festival

Imagine thousands of scientists, naturalists, engineers, and innovators in one place and that’s the Bay Area Science Festival! The SciStarter team travelled to San Francisco to spread the joy of citizen science to this excited group. We were lucky to be joined by Kayla and Anelisse from the 49ers Gold Rush squad and the two … Read more “SciStarter and the Science Cheerleaders join forces at the Bay Area Science Festival”

Categories: Citizen Science, Events, Science Cheerleaders, SciFests

Celebrating the citizen in citizen science

I believe that citizen science is about citizenship as well as science. By this, I don’t mean citizenship in a specific country, but in a larger community. As a citizen scientist focusing on the natural world, I become a better citizen of that world—the world of tree frogs, say, or hummingbirds or dragonflies. Citizen science makes … Read more “Celebrating the citizen in citizen science”

Categories: Birds, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Project Profile

Citizen Science Makers Summit at Arizona State University

  SciStarter and Arizona State University hosted change-makers from both the citizen science and maker movements at last week’s first-ever Citizen Science Makers Summit. These two movements both aim to disrupt the status quo of science by changing who participates in the scientific process. “Makers just dive in and create creative engineering solutions” says Darlene … Read more “Citizen Science Makers Summit at Arizona State University”

Categories: ASU Citizen Science Maker Summit, Citizen Science, Events

Celebrate Halloween with SciStarter

Are you looking for something to make you shudder this Halloween? You can skip the scary movies and the frightening costumes. We’ve got projects that are creepy, slimy, scary, and above all else fun!  Below, we’ve highlighted five spooky projects to help you celebrate Halloween. Find more with the Scistarter Project Finder. Cheers! The SciStarter … Read more “Celebrate Halloween with SciStarter”

Categories: Bats, Citizen Science, Newsletter

The Poetry of Science at the Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site

Carl Sandburg Home National Historical Site stretches over 246 rolling acres in Flat Rock, N.C. The writer and poet Sandburg moved to the property in 1945 for the solitude the natural landscape provides. Today, it is a place where nature, science, and creativity intertwine. Five miles of trails meander throughout the site – some leisurely … Read more “The Poetry of Science at the Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Nature & Outdoors, Project Profile

Join SciStarter and the Science Cheerleaders at the Bay Area Science Festival!

November 5th, 2016 10am-4pm AT&T Park FREE ADMISSION Join SciStarter at the Bay Area Science Festival this November! This free festival will be packed with science enthusiasts. Come to explore hundreds of hands-on activities, opportunities to meet local scientists and engineers, plus fun and educational entertainment. Find SciStarter to learn about citizen science projects you can do in … Read more “Join SciStarter and the Science Cheerleaders at the Bay Area Science Festival!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Events, Science Cheerleaders, SciFests

Enter EPA’s Smart City Air Challenge!

What if you had access to air quality data — minute-by- minute — from hundreds of locations in your community at the same time? How would you manage that data– and how would you share it with your local residents? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is offering two communities $40,000 each to help figure that out. Currently, environmental … Read more “Enter EPA’s Smart City Air Challenge!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Project Profile

GAO cites ECAST: “Practices to Engage Citizens and Effectively Implement Federal Initiatives”

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO) is the investigative arm of Congress charged with examining matters relating to the receipt and payment of public funds. Today, the GAO published a new report to advise how the federal government can better engage citizens. Expert and Citizen Assessment of Science and Technology (ECAST) is cited as … Read more “GAO cites ECAST: “Practices to Engage Citizens and Effectively Implement Federal Initiatives””

Categories: Citizen Science, Citizen Science News, Science Policy