Tell Your Citizen Science Story With #MyCitSci

During Citizen Science Day, we asked our community of citizen scientists to tell their stories and experiences in words and pictures. Here, we’ve summarized many of the amazing stories we’ve heard. There is still time to tell yours. You can post them to our Facebook page or tag us on Twitter with #MyCitSci. We can’t wait to hear your story! … Read more

Categories: Citizen Science, National Citizen Science Day, Other

Methods Matter: Citizen Science Techniques For Exploring Our World

Citizen Science Techniques Each of the thousands of citizen science projects are unique, yet many rely on similar techniques and methods. Below, we highlight five that use some of the most popular methods including: the use of low cost, portable sensors; bioblitzes; bird banding; standardized surveys; and photography. Find more than 1,600 projects and events … Read more “Methods Matter: Citizen Science Techniques For Exploring Our World”

Categories: Biology, Citizen Science, Newsletter

Orchid Observers: Tracking the Effect of Climate Change Through Citizen Science

by Russ Campbell Orchids have long held an enigmatic mystique.  Perhaps their origins as tropical and subtropical plants found in exotic locales and an early lack of understanding of how they survive have contributed to their status.  By the 19th century, orchids were a status of the British well-to-do. The famed voyager and scientist Charles … Read more “Orchid Observers: Tracking the Effect of Climate Change Through Citizen Science”

Categories: Citizen Science, Guest Contributor, Project Profile

Highlighting Citizen Science at the USA Science and Engineering Festival

What better way to kick of a month long celebration of citizen science than at the USA Science and Engineering Festival (USASEF), probably the largest science festival in the country? And kick it off we did! For two days, the SciStarter booth at USASEF featured citizen science projects that people of all ages could learn about … Read more “Highlighting Citizen Science at the USA Science and Engineering Festival”

Categories: Citizen Science, Events

Why You Should Be Excited about Citizen Science Day 2016, in One Amazing Video

If you haven’t heard already, Citizen Science Day is fast approaching!! April 16 is the big day and events celebrating CitSci run all the way through May 21. From being at science festivals to nationwide bioblitzes, there’s something for everyone. To get you all pumped up we’re sharing this amazing video made by folks from … Read more “Why You Should Be Excited about Citizen Science Day 2016, in One Amazing Video”

Categories: Citizen Science, Events

Celebrate National Volunteers Week and Earth Day with Citizen Science!

April is YOUR month, citizen scientists! This is National Volunteer Week so get involved in a research project in need of your help. Find your favorite project on and, now featuring SciStarter’s database of projects. Need another reason? Look no further thanSaturday, 4/16, Citizen Science Day! Events  are scheduled around the world. We bet there’s one near you. Still … Read more “Celebrate National Volunteers Week and Earth Day with Citizen Science!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Ecology & Environment, Events, Newsletter

The Crowd & The Cloud, live at the U.S. Science & Engineering Festival

You are invited! The Crowd & The Cloud, a public television series about citizen science, crowdsourcing and mobile tech, will be live at the U.S. Science & Engineering Festival this weekend to help celebrate Citizen Science Day (Sat., April 16th) in two important ways, both of which we invite you to participate in and share: … Read more “The Crowd & The Cloud, live at the U.S. Science & Engineering Festival”

Categories: Citizen Science, Events