Rhetoric and Citizen Science in a Digital World

Wynn, James. Citizen Science in the Digital Age: Rhetoric, Science, and Public Engagement. The University of Alabama Press, 2017. 224 pages. Paperback $US 24.95. Citizen scientists have repeatedly faced resistance from skeptics questioning their experience, training, and ability, but recent technological advances have brought citizen science into the digital age, transforming many aspects of the … Read more “Rhetoric and Citizen Science in a Digital World”

Categories: Book Review, Citizen Science, CitSci Research

The Great Indoors: Sensing Carbon Monoxide Levels and Indoor Air Quality [GUEST POST]

Per the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American spends 90% of their time indoors. At the same time, when we think of citizen science, our mind’s eye often pictures the great outdoors: wide expanses of open space, jutting mountains, birds in trees, and frogs sitting near meandering streams. In part, that’s due to a perception … Read more “The Great Indoors: Sensing Carbon Monoxide Levels and Indoor Air Quality [GUEST POST]”

Categories: Citizen Science, Do-It-Yourself, Ecology & Environment, Guest Contributor

What would you do with this technology?

Scientific research aims to answer questions, progress disciplinary knowledge, and ultimately better society by providing new applications of technology and ideas toward common problems. But, over time, the products of our countless research projects, while potentially still useful, go unutilized, and can be forgotten in the basements of University libraries or the dusty archives of … Read more “What would you do with this technology?”

Categories: Citizen Science, Contest, Do-It-Yourself, Gaming