SciStarter Blog

Wired’s GeekDaD digs into citizen science

Warning: a little shameless self-promotion here. We loved this write up about our site and participation in the World Maker Faire last month. This blog post is currently featured on’s popular GeekDad blog. Here’s a snippet:

“While at the World Maker Faire my daughter had a chance to sort through the matrix from a mastodon found in upstate New York. The project was part of the booth being run by Science for Citizens, a website that lets people volunteer to help scientists collect and analyze data on different projects across multiple disciplines. Looking for an outdoor project in your area? The websites has a search that lets you choose from a number of criteria including whether the project is suitable for children…..Science for Citizens is doing a great job of tapping into the vast network of people who are interested in science and craving more participation than just reading about it.”

Read the full piece here.

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