SciStarter Blog

Citizen Science Day celebrates and recruits people who engage in large-scale and local research

Month-long events include hands-on activities like nature festivals, museum events, trainings, bioblitzes, and more.

The “citizen science” movement is gathering momentum, as scientists, policy makers, and the public themselves recognize that EVERYONE can make meaningful contributions to research. SciStarter is teaming up with the Citizen Science Association to raise awareness of hundreds of events and research opportunities that will be offered as part of Citizen Science Day activities throughout the month.

The month of science-focused activities continues with regional events that allow everyone to participate in science that is making a difference in the world. SciStarter’s Event Finder includes details and links to all the events. Organizations and individuals can add their own events then use SciStarter’s People Finder to invite citizen scientists within a 100-mile radius. The SciStarter Citizen Science Events Calendar will feature hand-picked events throughout the year.

“Everyone involved in citizen science benefits: volunteers become more aware of the issues that scientists are (or aren’t!) addressing, and scientists receive valuable input from a diverse group of people,” said Darlene Cavalier, founder of SciStarter and Professor of Practice at Arizona State University. “Opportunities to engage range from simple tasks, like counting fireflies, to deeper, longer term commitments such as assembling and deploying sensors, and sharing and analyzing data.”

Locally-relevant activities are planned at museums, science centers, libraries, schools, parks, and nature centers, all with a goal of bringing attention to citizen science opportunities and impacts.

Here is a sampling of Citizen Science Days activities, or search here to find activities near you:

Citizen science initiatives succeed because of partnerships between volunteers and organizers, educators, scientists, data managers, technology specialists, evaluators, and others. The Citizen Science Association (CSA) works to advance excellence in citizen science across all project types by uniting the expertise of diverse practitioners, sharing resources and best practices, and highlighting the impacts of public participation in scientific research. CSA conferences are held biennially, with the next one scheduled for March 13-16, 2019, in Raleigh, NC.

SciStarter enables people to find, join, and contribute to science through informal recreational activities and formal research efforts. In addition to the Event Finder, SciStarter hosts a Project Finder, featuring 2,300 searchable citizen science projects. SciStarter recruits, trains, and equips participants through partnerships with Discover Magazine, PBS, the National Science Teachers Association, Pop Warner Youth Scholars, and more. News and announcements shared on Twitter @Scistarter. #CitSciDay2018