Five more springtime projects for citizen scientists

Doesn’t spring make you antsy to go outside, get moving, and act all scientific? (Or maybe those are real ants you’re feeling—this season does bring out all sorts of little critters.) If you’re craving more, even after our earlier list of suggestions, here are another five projects to help you scratch that springtime citizen science … Read more “Five more springtime projects for citizen scientists”

Categories: Animals, Birds, Citizen Science, Insects, Nature & Outdoors, Ocean & Water

April 24 is Firefly Day!

To get us all in the mood to celebrate the start of Firefly season, check out Owl City’s Fireflies music video. The Museum of Science, Boston, kicks off each year of its Firefly Watch citizen science project with a day-long celebration in honor of everyone’s favorite insect and the volunteers who help monitor their populace … Read more “April 24 is Firefly Day!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Contest, Insects

Five springtime projects for citizen scientists

Now that spring has sprung in the Northern Hemisphere, Mother Nature is tempting winter-weary citizen scientists out of doors with all kinds of colorful, action-packed events. Buds are bursting forth, chatty bird couples are flirting and building nests, and the excitable atmospheric conditions of the new season are conjuring up fresh cloud patterns in the … Read more “Five springtime projects for citizen scientists”

Categories: Animals, Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Ecology & Environment, Insects, Nature & Outdoors

What’s all the buzz about bees?

Before I headed to Austin, TX  last week for the SXSW music, film, and interactive conference (I helped put together a panel discussion there on the Future of Gaming for Discover Magazine and the National Science Foundation), I Googled “citizen science in Austin” and came upon the Texas Beewatchers. The organizer of this citizen science … Read more “What’s all the buzz about bees?”

Categories: Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Insects, Nature & Outdoors

Help needed: monarch butterflies in trouble

Monarch butterflies need our help! The regal butterflies, hit hard by the torrential February rains in Mexico, are at their lowest population levels since 1975,  according to Chip Taylor, director of Monarch Watch at the University of Kansas. The storms killed 50 to 60 percent of the breeding colonies in northern Mexico; the butterfly population … Read more “Help needed: monarch butterflies in trouble”

Categories: Ecology & Environment, Insects, Nature & Outdoors

Hey pretty ladybug: you come to this ski lodge often?

A few weeks ago, I snapped a photo of my kids skiing in the Poconos (while I hung out in the lodge). I noticed this ladybug walking along the windowsill. A quick Google search informed me that it’s not uncommon for folks living in mountainous regions to be invested with ladybugs seeking shelter in the … Read more “Hey pretty ladybug: you come to this ski lodge often?”

Categories: Citizen Science, Insects