Title: Citizen Science Web Platform Needs Activity
Goal: Help those who develop citizen science web platforms / websites design and create better solutions for your needs. Come to this brainstorm session to offer your insights into what is needed to better support online data management for citizen science projects.
Why should you join this project? We hope to gain a better understanding of what needs are not yet being fulfilled for citizen science project coordinators and practitioners in terms of the features offered through web based data management.
What skills are needed? Scientific knowledge, Technical expertise, Communications experience, Programming experience, Enthusiasm, Ideas, UX/UI
What skills will this project’s organizer bring? As organizers we bring experience in developing citizen science platforms – notably citsci.org – and we have experience in javascript, PHP, SQL, JQuery, CSS. We also have a good understanding of what platforms can do for projects.
What materials will this project’s organizer bring? A laptop.
What other materials would be valuable? Laptop, Candy, Datasets (if possible)
Project website: http://www.citsci.org
Contact: Greg Newman and Russell Scarpino gregory.newman@colostate.edu
Twitter: @CitSci
Click here to return to the full list of projects and sign up form.
I’m pretty excited to contribute to this discussion. I have a new program in the works, NOAA SOS in the classroom (SOS Explorer) where we have the ability to visualize data, animate seemless through it as well as build a multimedia story around it. My name is Hilary Peddicord and we are here in Boulder, just next door to CitSci!