Webinar Recording: Host or Facilitate Remote, Live-Streamed Citizen Science Events in a Pinch

Making the most out of social distancing: live-streamed citizen science to the rescue! Are you planning an in-person Citizen Science Month event in April? Looking to host a virtual event, or transition your previously in-person event to a virtual format? Then this is the virtual training for you! The Science Friday and SciStarter teams share … Read more “Webinar Recording: Host or Facilitate Remote, Live-Streamed Citizen Science Events in a Pinch”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Events, libraries, NNLM

Citizen Science-ing where you are

Keeping yourself and others safe during the COVID-19 pandemic is the #1 priority. Fortunately, there are many opportunities for conducting safe citizen science to fight disease, track migratory birds, study animal behavior, and more…collaboratively. Our editors highlight a few, below. Cheers! The SciStarter Team

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Events, Newsletter

Citizen Science Month Updates for Event Organizers

Dear Citizen Science Month friends: Let’s take one, big, collective deep breath.  Annnnnnddddd exhale. Okay. In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, if you were planning to host an event (including events for Verizon volunteers), please transition your in-person events to online events or cancel/postpone your event until we have clear signals that it’s safe to … Read more “Citizen Science Month Updates for Event Organizers”

Categories: Citizen Science Month

You can celebrate Citizen Science Month from home.

While we want you to celebrate Citizen Science Month, we all need to help flatten the curve to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. Learn more about flattening the curve, below. As a Citizen Science Month event organizer or participant, you can stay home and still participate in Citizen Science Month. Here are seven ways … Read more “You can celebrate Citizen Science Month from home.”

Categories: Citizen Science Month

Webinar Recording: Citizen Science Month (and Beyond!) at Your Library

Citizen science can build upon your existing STEM programs or introduce a whole new world of STEM engagement opportunities for library patrons. From tracking species migrations to measuring light pollution or searching online for new galaxies, citizen science invites patrons to engage in REAL research projects and contribute to scientific knowledge. Discover how libraries are … Read more “Webinar Recording: Citizen Science Month (and Beyond!) at Your Library”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, libraries, NNLM

National Science Teaching Association Web Seminar: Citizen Science Month (and Beyond!) with Ideas, Tips, and Resources from the SciStarter Team

  Join us on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, starting at 7:00 pm ET to learn about Citizen Science Month in April 2020. SciStarter and partners around the world are planning events and programs to celebrate and promote all things citizen science: amazing discoveries, incredible volunteers, hardworking practitioners, inspiring projects, and anything else citizen science-related! This webinar will … Read more “National Science Teaching Association Web Seminar: Citizen Science Month (and Beyond!) with Ideas, Tips, and Resources from the SciStarter Team”

Categories: Citizen Science Month, Education, Science Education Standards, Webinar

AAAS photo

ASU researchers, including SciStarter’s founder, shine at world’s largest science meeting

The following are excerpts from ASU News: “ASU faculty shine at world’s largest science meeting,” by Joe Caspermeyer,  Manager (natural sciences), Media Relations & Strategic Communications, ASU  (joseph.caspermeyer@asu.edu ). At the world’s largest general scientific meeting, Arizona State University researchers, faculty, staff and students gathered with colleagues to tackle some of society’s grand challenges as … Read more “ASU researchers, including SciStarter’s founder, shine at world’s largest science meeting”

Categories: In the News

Citizen Science is for Lovers!

It’s almost Valentine’s Day. Cuddle up with these five projects–and one book–that we love! They are waiting for you with open arms. Xoxo, The SciStarter Team

Categories: Birds, Newsletter

Prepare for Superb Owl LIV Sunday!

Next Sunday is the most exciting day of the year for owl-lovers all over the world: Superb Owl Sunday! This is the day when the ornithologically-inclined brave the elements to photograph owls, deploy owl nest boxes and/or, for some reason, stay indoors and watch football. No matter how you celebrate Superb Owl Sunday, the editors … Read more “Prepare for Superb Owl LIV Sunday!”

Categories: In the News, Newsletter, Science Cheerleaders