Did you know ‘storm spotters’ in your community help keep you safe during inclement weather?

Civic minded citizen scientists in your community help meteorologists and the National Weather Service stay abreast of inclement weather with on-the-ground data. Earlier this week, the Midwest and Northeast were slammed with tornados and thunderstorms that grounded planes and held up trains. Thousands of people along the Northeast corridor lost power as a result. During … Read more “Did you know ‘storm spotters’ in your community help keep you safe during inclement weather?”

Categories: Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Newsletter

Is There a Community Lab Near You? – Find lab space, equipment, and training in your area!

Do you want to explore, invent, design, or create something but don’t have the facilities to do so? Do you want to learn more about biotechnology, science, and laboratory safety? Community labs may be the perfect fit for you! Community labs are rapidly spreading throughout the world. Our editors highlight five, below. People often pay … Read more “Is There a Community Lab Near You? – Find lab space, equipment, and training in your area!”

Categories: Biology, Citizen Science, Newsletter

We want your germs! For Citizen Science!

Microbes are germs and they are everywhere! Most are good for you. Some are not. Learning more about microbes (where they live, how they behave) can teach us more about their influence on diseases, cures, and our entire ecosystem. Here are five microbial citizen science projects you can do now. Cheers! The SciStarter Team

Categories: Biology, Citizen Science, Health, Newsletter

SciStarter’s Top Fourteen Citizen Science Projects of 2014!

As we ring in the New Year, we’re celebrating the 14 Top Projects of 2014! These are the projects that received the most visits on the SciStarter website. Resolve to do more citizen science in 2015! We’ll help you with that goal. Happy New Year! Photo: Mike Hankey 1.  American Meteor Society – Meteor Observing Report meteors … Read more “SciStarter’s Top Fourteen Citizen Science Projects of 2014!”

Categories: Animals, Apps, Astronomy & Space, Biology, Birds, Citizen Science, Climate & Weather, Do-It-Yourself, Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors, Newsletter

5 Citizen Science Projects to Keep You Healthy!

These projects are sure to go viral!   Flu activity is expected to increase in the coming weeks. What can you do about it? For starters, get your flu vaccine (the CDC recommends an annual flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older). Then, get involved in our editors’ list of citizen science projects designed to study viruses and … Read more “5 Citizen Science Projects to Keep You Healthy!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Health, Newsletter

Citizen Science, Shark Week Edition

It’s Shark Week for Citizen Scientists! It’s that time of year again. (Cue Jaws theme song.) Discovery Channel’s Shark Week starts on August 10th! But rather than fear these beautiful creatures, participate in projects to help advance research about sharks! Hey! If you’re involved in more than one citizen science project, we’d like to hear … Read more “Citizen Science, Shark Week Edition”

Categories: Citizen Science, Newsletter

April showers, May flowers!

Fatigued from measuring all that April precipitation? Embrace cheerful blooms all around you and share your phenology observations (seasonal changes in plants and animals, year to year) with these citizen science projects. Find more phenology projects on SciStarter. Don’t miss this new post from DISCOVER Magazine and SciStarter’s  Citizen Science Salon!   Project BudBurst Choose a plant to monitor and … Read more “April showers, May flowers!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Nature & Outdoors, Newsletter

There’s an App for That! Citizen Science at Your Fingertips

If you think science is out of reach, think again! Here are some citizen science apps you’ll always have at your fingertips! SciSpy With this App from The Science Channel, you can spy on nature and contribute to science. Share photos and observations, contribute to research initiatives. Get started!   SatCam Capture and share observations of … Read more “There’s an App for That! Citizen Science at Your Fingertips”

Categories: Apps, Newsletter