Innocentive wants to hear from YOU! (Earn $5K in the process.)

Innocentive built the first global Web community for open innovation where organizations or “Seekers” submit complex problems or “Challenges” for resolution to a “Solver” community of more than 200,000 engineers, scientists, inventors, business professionals, and research organizations in more than 200 countries.   Innocentive’s CEO Dwayne Spradlin called (and our sister site, “close … Read more “Innocentive wants to hear from YOU! (Earn $5K in the process.)”

Categories: Citizen Science, Do-It-Yourself, In the News

Charlotte Observer: “Citizen Science is in full flight.”

This week, an article in the Charlotte Observer newspaper featured citizen scientist Benton Bragg and his family. The Braggs installed a video camera in an owl box to track the habits of the owl and her babies. “We never know what we’re going to see,” Bragg said. “One night she brought in seven snakes. Another … Read more “Charlotte Observer: “Citizen Science is in full flight.””

Categories: Animals, Birds, Citizen Science, In the News, Nature & Outdoors

Meet our partner: USA Science & Engineering Festival

Science For Citizens is proud to be a partner of the inaugural USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C., October 2010. A collaboration of more than 500 science and engineering organizations, the festival is designed to engage young people in the sciences. The festival will culminate with a two-day expo on the National Mall … Read more “Meet our partner: USA Science & Engineering Festival”

Categories: Citizen Science

Valiant volunteers watch out for our water

You might say this post misses the boat. It’s about citizen scientists who monitor water quality—and World Water Day was last week. But  the remarkable thing about these volunteers is that they never stop. They work all year round and nearly around the clock to keep our rivers, streams, and lakes healthy. Now I know … Read more “Valiant volunteers watch out for our water”

Categories: Biology, Chemistry, Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Nature & Outdoors, Ocean & Water

What’s all the buzz about bees?

Before I headed to Austin, TX  last week for the SXSW music, film, and interactive conference (I helped put together a panel discussion there on the Future of Gaming for Discover Magazine and the National Science Foundation), I Googled “citizen science in Austin” and came upon the Texas Beewatchers. The organizer of this citizen science … Read more “What’s all the buzz about bees?”

Categories: Citizen Science, Ecology & Environment, Insects, Nature & Outdoors

“Who’s whoo-ing” in your backyard?

Are you a Westchester (NY), Putnam (NY), or Fairfield County (CT) resident just itching for a reason to dust off that old boombox? If so, the The Who’s Whoo-ing citizen science project needs you to play a CD of owl calls for 10 minutes and record if a response is heard. Using simple “call playback surveys”, the Mianus River … Read more ““Who’s whoo-ing” in your backyard?”

Categories: Animals, Birds, Citizen Science, Nature & Outdoors

The hummingbird versus Godzilla–on video!

To fans of hummingbirds and “nature cams,” Phoebe Allens needs no introduction. She’s an intrepid little momma bird whose adventures in nurturing her young have been well documented by a Web cam pointed at her nest in a rose bush in Orange County, California. Now that spring is nearly here, it’s time for another exciting … Read more “The hummingbird versus Godzilla–on video!”

Categories: Animals, Birds, Citizen Science, Nature & Outdoors

Harvard scientists want your thoughts on how to improve Type 1 Diabetes research. $5K prize!

This is a very cool, new entry in the database. It’s from the folks at Innocentive, the world leader in open innovation. (We’ll have more to say about our blossoming alliance with them shortly.) For now, check out this Innocentive Challenge which seeks to advance  knowledge about Type 1 Diabetes. Citizen scientists are invited … Read more “Harvard scientists want your thoughts on how to improve Type 1 Diabetes research. $5K prize!”

Categories: Citizen Science, Health

Hey pretty ladybug: you come to this ski lodge often?

A few weeks ago, I snapped a photo of my kids skiing in the Poconos (while I hung out in the lodge). I noticed this ladybug walking along the windowsill. A quick Google search informed me that it’s not uncommon for folks living in mountainous regions to be invested with ladybugs seeking shelter in the … Read more “Hey pretty ladybug: you come to this ski lodge often?”

Categories: Citizen Science, Insects

Watch Out for Solar Stormwatch!

The coolest new citizen science project may also be the HOTTEST! Launched this week, Solar Stormwatch is looking to citizen scientists to help spot explosions on the sun and track them across space to Earth. These explosions, also known as “coronal mass ejections” or “solar storms”, release high-energy particles that can be a safety hazard for … Read more “Watch Out for Solar Stormwatch!”

Categories: Astronomy & Space, Citizen Science, Physics